
July 2017

Construction Update – July 2017


Hello everyone, I'm back with another web update about the brewery.  It's been an interesting past few months and we have been dealing with finding a new engineer for our well system.  Fortunately, we've found a local company that's willing to take on the challenge.  We have had issues for several months and we are [...]

Construction Update – July 20172017-07-27T21:50:43+00:00

May 2017

Construction Update – May 2017


Great Scott! 1.21 gigawatts! We're back with another little peek into the world of brewery construction. Progress has been slow due to the extreme wet winter we've experienced here in the Pacific Northwest. The last few weeks have been warm and (almost) dry, which has allowed us to finally dig the trenches for power. Our [...]

Construction Update – May 20172017-05-25T15:44:43+00:00

April 2017

Tour the brewery with Tim, our brewmaster!


Tim, our head brewer and mastermind is here with a little update and tour of our current progress. Over the last few weeks we have finished framing the tasting room and bathroom. Tim has been working on the electrical and building the cold room over the past weekend. Check out our youtube video for a [...]

Tour the brewery with Tim, our brewmaster!2017-04-30T23:24:29+00:00

March 2017

The Chronicle features Jones Creek Brewing


Check out a recent article in our local paper by Aaron Kunkler // Photo by Peter Caster. A new brewery could open up shop by this summer if a Pe Ell couple manages to get their operation off the ground. They’re planning to launch the operation with a unique twist. They hope to use hops grown [...]

The Chronicle features Jones Creek Brewing2017-03-03T21:35:13+00:00

January 2017

Building the brewery


It's been a long road but we're finally making progress! The building is up and the concrete has been poured. At this point, we're in the progress of getting our specialized well system designed and building the tasting room. It's been a lot of hard work, with many roadblocks and headaches. But, we are currently [...]

Building the brewery2017-01-03T21:23:07+00:00
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