Great Scott! 1.21 gigawatts!
We’re back with another little peek into the world of brewery construction. Progress has been slow due to the extreme wet winter we’ve experienced here in the Pacific Northwest. The last few weeks have been warm and (almost) dry, which has allowed us to finally dig the trenches for power.
Our friend Dustin flew up last week to help Tim with the brewery and our garden, which is also delayed due to the aberrant wet weather. The garden has been plowed, trenches have been dug and the framework for the tasting room bar has been constructed. Hooray!
Our electrician is finishing up the power today and PUD should arrive sometime next week to plug us into the grid.
Another bit of good news; We have passed the first stage of approval from the Liquor and Cannabis board and we are awaiting inspection to receive the final paperwork. One step closer to BEER!

Framework of the bar

Bar Framework

Thanks FLS!

The “Shitter”
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